Are you considering receiving orthodontic treatment? Your orthodontist may use spacers in conjunction with your braces. Here, our Langley orthodontists answer the question, 'What are spacers for braces?' and how to properly care for these devices.
What are orthodontic spacers?
Braces are an effective way to straighten crooked teeth and align your bite. Before starting orthodontic treatment, your orthodontist may place spacers between your teeth to prepare them for braces.
So, what is a spacer for braces? Spacers are small rings that are placed between teeth, serving as a buffer before the bands of the braces are attached. While they might not seem essential, spacers play a crucial role in ensuring that your teeth align properly over time. They create enough space between two teeth so that when the orthodontist attaches the bands, it can be done without putting excessive pressure on either tooth.
Though spacers are temporary, taking care of them is important for a smooth transition to braces and achieving the ideal outcome.
Does everyone need spacers before getting braces?
While not everyone will need them, many people who get traditional braces require spacers, otherwise known as orthodontic separators.
Traditional braces consist of brackets cemented to teeth, connected by wires anchored to metal bands around the back teeth, which are often close together. Spacers are designed to create space between certain teeth (usually molars) to allow the orthodontist to install the metal bands without issue.
What are some different types of spacers for braces?
Spacers can be made from various materials. The most common types of spacers include:
Rubber Spacers: These are small rubber bands placed between your molars to create additional space.
Metal Spacers: These look like small metal rings and are placed around some of your back teeth.
How are spacers inserted?
If you need spacers, they are typically placed about a week before you get your braces.
To insert the rubber spacers, your orthodontist will first stretch each spacer using a small tool or dental floss. After you open your mouth wide, they will carefully wiggle each spacer into position between your molars.
During this process, you might feel some pressure as the spacer is positioned closer to your gumline.
How are spacers removed?
Removing spacers is straightforward and typically takes minimal time. Your orthodontist will use a small tool to pop them out of place gently. If the spacers have successfully created the necessary space, they should come out quickly.
Will you experience any discomfort with spacers?
Much like when you first get braces, you may experience mild discomfort. The good news is that this typically dissipates after a few days.
If needed, you can try rinsing your mouth with a solution of warm salt water to ease any discomfort.
Life With Spacers for Braces
Just like when you have braces, you will need to make some minor lifestyle adjustments to help care for your spacers and be mindful of certain aspects.
What to Eat With Spacers
Orthodontists often recommend that people with spacers or braces steer clear of certain foods. These are usually hard or sticky foods, such as:
- Candy like toffee and caramel
- Chewing gum
- Foods that require a lot of chewing, such as steak
How to Brush Your Teeth With Spacers
If you’re wondering how to brush and floss your teeth while you have spacers, the short answer is carefully – just as you would with braces.
Here is a simple guide to oral hygiene while you have spacers:
- Start by rinsing your mouth with water.
- Gently brush all surfaces of your teeth with your toothbrush, paying special attention to the back teeth.
- Rinse your mouth with water again.
Be cautious when flossing. You should avoid flossing in the areas where the spacers are located, as this could accidentally dislodge one.
What to Do if Your Spacers Fall Out
You won’t have the spacers in your mouth for very long. If everything goes according to plan, you’ll likely keep them for about a week or two before your orthodontist removes them and places metal bands around your back teeth.
If your spacers fall out before your next appointment, be sure to notify your orthodontist immediately. You may need to have another set installed, or your orthodontist might determine that you already have enough space between your teeth.
Orthodontic Care in Langley
At Langley Orthodontics, we offer various orthodontic options for straightening teeth, including Invisalign clear aligners and traditional braces.
During your first consultation, you'll meet with one of our doctors and the new patient coordinator to discuss your needs and have digital photographs taken.
After reviewing your dental and health history, our orthodontists will conduct a thorough examination to assess your treatment needs. We will explain the orthodontic process and show you a video about the evaluation and record-taking steps.
We’ll then go over your treatment options, including duration and costs, and address any questions or concerns you may have.